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Neuropsychological Testing
This type of evaluation provides detailed information about the functioning of the brain and mind.
Neuropsychological testing assesses the relationship that exists between the brain and the behavior of a person. Along with this, it can detect different brain injuries that often affect abilities, behavior, and emotions. Some of the areas that neuropsychological tests evaluate are:
● Executive functioning (e.g. organization, problem-solving, planning)
● Social Function
● Language processing
● Visuospatial processing
● Attention/concentration
● Verbal memory and learning
● Visual memory and learning
● Intellectual functioning
● Speed of processing
● Sensory-perceptual functions
● Motor speed and strength
● Motivation/symptom validity
● Personality assessment
● Academic achievement
At Greenleaf Psychology, Neuropsychology and Counseling, the information obtained on the test is then studied by a trained licensed clinical psychologist or neuropsychologist, and this will provide you information about the psychological functioning of your brain.
Why should I have a neuropsychological test?
There are different reasons for having a neuropsychological evaluation. The most common reasons are failure to progress in traditional counseling, attention problems, unexplained mood and memory difficulties, suspected brain injuries, strokes or cerebrovascular events, memory disorders, seizures, or epilepsy.
What can I expect during neuropsychological testing?
Before having the evaluation it is important to provide a complete and detailed medical record to our clinic.
During the evaluation, you will be answering questions to evaluate functioning in areas such as memory, motivation, social, intelligence, language, emotions, personality, and others. You might have breaks between the tests depending on how you feel and how long the evaluation last.