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Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG)

A Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) is an FDA-approved, evidence-based diagnostic tool that compares with the database and measures the speed and processing efficiency of neuronal brain function and may be used to evaluate an individual's brainwaves (EEG) and determine to what extent the individual's brainwave patterns differ from neurotypical. 


The Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) and QEEG brain-mapping uses digital technology to study the brain's activities under different tasks and evaluates from a comprehensive perspective, to provide for improved treatment planning and outcome evaluation.


The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted the use of QEEG identified Biomarkers to assist in the diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and comorbid disorders. 


At Greenleaf Psychology Neuropsychology & Counseling, the QEEG will provide specific information about the patient's brain function in order to give a careful diagnosis of the condition. Our on-site staff is trained to effectively prepare and analyze the results in order to deliver the most thorough patient evaluation. Along with this, all QEEG studies are analyzed and reviewed by a Licensed Physician Board Certified in Neurology and specializing in Electrophysiology for possible seizure disorders and recommendations for ongoing medication management. 


When is it recommended to do a QEEG?


It is strongly suggested that the QEEG is administered in cases where there is anxiety, social functioning, problems with learning and thinking skills, depression, insomnia, attention problems, changes in mood, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse, or dependence. A QEEG is able to identify Biomarkers associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and it's other co-morbid disorders such as ADHD, PTSD, mental retardation, anxiety disorders, mixed receptive-expressive language disorder (also known as auditory processing disorder), and various seizure disorders. 


Quantitative Electroencephalography with traditional neuropsychological tests can provide a diagnosis of different mental health dysfunctions such as depression, learning disability, attention disorders, post-concussion syndrome, panic disorder, and others. This technology is utilized along with Neuropsychological testing to give a more complete diagnosis impression.  


How Should I Prepare For a QEEG?


Wash and rinse your hair using Dawn® dishwashing liquid or baby shampoo. Also, avoid using styling gels, etc. on the day of your QEEG. This will help get oils out of your hair and scalp, helping the leads to stick better in the QEEG. It is important to have a good night of sleep before the administration of this test.


What can I expect during QEEG Testing?


You will be sitting in a chair where the specialist will place electrodes on your scalp, these electrodes are integrated into a cap. This procedure does not hurt and you won't be able to feel anything.

During the session, a computer is going to record your brain activity while you are sitting with your eyes closed, it is important to stay awake and alert during the test.




Shankardass, A. (2009). TED Talk: A second opinion on developmental disorders. TEDIndia. Retrieved from


Unknown. (2011). 2009 Ted Talk on Autism. Aditi Shankardass: A second opinion on developmental disorders. Retrieved from

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